Friday, February 17, 2012

QOD 2-16-2012

Leviticus 26:3"If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them,"
... here begins a list of blessing from God for obedience... followed by a list no one would want.  It's a "no brainer" as they say. 
Yet, today doesn't He say the same to us?  God says, "I love you and want to protect you from the world", yet we wander off into the world, only to wake up one day and think "What happened?  How could I be so stupid?"
Well, it's a no brainer!

Live for Christ today!!

Several months back, I started a study by Andy Stanley called "The Principle of the Path".
The basic (yet seemingly incredibly complicated) principle behind this study is..

Direction, not intention determines your destination!

It doesn't matter what your plans or intentions are... If you aren't taking the neccessary steps to get to where you want to go, you won't end up there, and certainly not if you are headed in the opposite direction.  That may sound matter of fact, but it's just as simple as that... don't complicate truth.  Lies make the truth more complicated...

I remember Andy talking about people being absolutely shocked  when they ended up in a place they didn't want to be in.  Then he said something that sticks with me still, "You are the only one surprised, everyone else saw exactly where you were headed and even warned you."  That may not be a direct quote but it went something like that!  You get the idea.

If you are heading down a path of destruction ignoring all the warning signs, then destruction you will find!  You can waste time blaming everyone but the path you choose is your responsibility.  Your time can better spent turning around and finding your way home. 

The choice is up to you... but ignoring truth doesn't make it any less true... It's a "no brainer". 

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